The Difficulties of Faith in Modern Times and the Implications for Democracy

Ioannis Papadopoulos [1]

An exit from religion for a re-entry, essentially, into religion. Because the right reason – as already understood by Blaise Pascal, who was a brilliant scientist himself, when he developed his polemics against Descartes in the 17th century15 – is not enough for a full life. One cannot have a human life, community, and ethics only with the radical Cartesian doubt and the religion of science, the religion of right reason. We have seen that this cannot stand: it has brought as many problems and dangers as those of the previously imposed religion from above.


***First published on 31.10.2021 at the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “European Constitutionalism and Religion(s)”.***

[1] Director of CEDLAW, Associate Professor of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia (Greece).